Selasa, 30 April 2013

Indonesian Labor Day

Nama                    : Nugroho Tri Atmojo
Kelas                    : 4EA16
NPM                     : 15209990
Tulisan Bebas (2) : History Indonesian Labor Day  
Dosen                    : R OEGIH SUGESTI
Matkul                  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

Indonesian Labor Day
Years 1918
In Indonesia, the workers of the world began to be celebrated on May 1, 1918. Hundreds of union members Kung Tang Hwee Koan held Labor Day commemoration in Surabaya. . Union is actually headquartered in Shanghai, but has hundreds of members in Surabaya. Sneevliet and Bars attend the Labor Day celebration and there ISDV message
In the article "Warning May 1 First We", Sneevliet not mask the flavor of the celebrations itu.Meskipun kekecewannya been widely publicized and massive, but the celebration was just interesting people and almost no European people of Indonesia. Even so, history then noted that the celebration in Surabaya it is Labour Day Se-world first in Indonesia, even touted first-time in Asia.

Year 1921
Celebration is not only dominated by the communist groups, but also by the trade unions of non-komunis.Misalnya, on Labor Day, 1921, Tjokroaminoto, accompanied by his disciples, Sukarno, took the podium to make a speech representing the Union under the influence of the SI.

Year 1923-1927
Labor movement began routinely commemorate the workers of the world, which is usually accompanied by a massive general strike. Labor Day 1923 worldwide, Semaun already told a public meeting VSTP (railway workers' union) in Semarang to launch a general strike. In a leaflet distributed VSTV strike, the main issues raised include: hours of work 8 hours, delay removal of bonus to salary increases promise fulfilled, the handling of disputes handled by an independent arbitration body, and the prohibition of dismissal without cause.
In 1926, ahead of a planned rebellion against Dutch colonialism PKI, International Labor Day commemoration eliminated at that time. Therefore, the story about the planned rebellion has spread from mouth to mouth, so many people who suspect International Labour Day as the moment of the outbreak of the rebellion. According to Ruth McVey T Emerging Communism in Indonesia, the Dutch colonial authorities really believe the rumors and set up the anticipation, the PKI leaders decided not to hold a warning May 1 in order to prevent the arrest of cadres whose energy is very dibutuhkan.Setelah armed uprising erupted in 1926 and 1927, the International Labor Day commemoration is very difficult to dilakukan.Pemerintah colonial began pressuring unions and forbade them to do the celebration.

Warning draw back was testimony Hardoyo, an elementary school student at the time: "Warning May 1946 l really really festive, occurs in all offices, companies, factories, schools and even in the villages. Led the pack in the village headman or the movement of people who still live a long and respected ".

Although the situation of the Dutch military aggression, ongoing celebration of International Labor Day big-besaran.Saat it, 200 thousand to 300 thousand people flooded the square Jogjakarta, to commemorate International Labor Day.Minister of Defence, Amir Sjarifoeddin, gave a speech to the workers and the people in the square. Besides Amir, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and Chairman SOBSI Kusnan Harjono also gave a speech. Hatta and Commander of the Jend.Soedirman also present in the celebration of Labor Day when it was.

Work also issued Law number 12/1948 which approved May 1 as the official date of Labor Day. In Article 15, paragraph 2 of Law no. 12 1948 said: "On May 1, workers are exempted from the obligation to work." So, when the government was running Bung Karno, International Labor Day commemoration routinely goes and officially recognized by the state.

Year 1966-1999
From 1966 under the leadership of Suharto warning workers of the world or Mayday should not be done. At that time Mayday associated with leftist or communist movement. During the reign of President Suharto's Mayday categorized into activities considered subversive because communist ideology.
Then, after the regime was toppled in May 1998, then every May 1, Mayday started to bloom again celebrated Indonesian workers. Reform re-open space for the people and civil society to express their opinion in public without exception laborers. Although not designated as a holiday, Mayday workers commemorated with rallies in various cities in Indonesia. Mayday action workers sometimes get an escort officer act of repressive forces against the workers make Mayday action heats up.

In 2011
Action held by MayDay march (on foot) from HI Roundabout towards Presiden.Aksi Palace was attended by tens of thousands of workers who poured in HI Roundabout. Followed by a mass action from different regions in the industrial area of Jakarta, Bekasi, Karawang, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang. This action is different from previous actions. Labor movement can be likened to a container through Social Security Action Committee (KAJS). Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) when it became the driving force KAJS and managed to unite together in MayDay 2011. Run with the big theme of Social Security and BPJS bill passes, this action has brought the labor movement not only fight for the workers, but also fight for the people of Indonesia.

As a result of the action of Mayday and further action on 27 and 28 October 2011 in front of the Parliament building in which tens of thousands of workers and students also community leaders PR Parliament passed Law No. 24 of 2012 of the Social Security Agency (BPJS) which mandates that all Health Insurance dijalanannya people of Indonesia on January 1, 2014 and Pensuin Compulsory Insurance for formal workers on July 1, 2015 and 4 status changes state (PT Jamsostek, PT Askes, PT TASPEN, PT Asabri) into BPJS Health and BPJS Ketenagakerrjaan on January 1 2014.Terlihat role of workers Indonesia also started to actively fight for the rights of the people especially health insurance across the Indonesian People.

In 2012
President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal asked the workers to follow May Day Fiesta on Labor Day Commemoration. He asked the workers not to work as usual on May 1 to attend a series of events commemorating May Day Fiesta.Dalam Labor Day-May Day, workers Jabodetabek musical performances held May Day Fiesta at Gelora Bung Karno, formerly of HI to the Palace.

About 100 thousand workers and workers bertumpah bulk at Bung Karno (GBK), Senayan. Before they will be demonstrated at the State Palace. Around 3,270 buses carrying hundreds of thousands of workers and the workers go to Jakarta to make Sudirman-Thamrin roads jammed. Mayday 2012 action is not intended to topple SBY-Boediono, action was also no political content. Action was purely because of labor concerns and the fate of workers in Indonesia. May Day march this time the action brought a number of issues, decent wage for workers in accordance Kepmenakertrans No.17/2005 on Living Needs; health insurance for workers who are to be executed by January 1, 2014; guarantee pension for workers who had to be applied per July 1, 2015, and the abolition of the system of outsourcing.

Mayday action in 2012 is holding 3 large confederation of All Indonesian Workers Union Confederation (KSPSI) chaired by Andi Gani Nena Wea Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) Said Iqbal and led by the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (KSBI) Mudhofir Leaders and dozens of unions and workers.

Mayday 2012 action coincides with the 3 leaders of the confederation was declared the establishment of Indonesian Workers Labor Council (MPBI) to be the umbrella organization for the struggle of the workers or the workers of Indonesia and the Indonesian people. MPBI also confirmed that no structural organization of the party and the movement. MPBI also confirmed that they are not communists Pancasila.

In 2013
Labor Day deserve to be a happy day for the workers. Indonesian workers deserve to celebrate Labor Day to unwind after a bit of hard work for a year they work. They can socialize among fellow workers at the Labor Day. Hopefully Labor Day this year and beyond is not polluted and ridden by anarchic acts to the detriment of many parties, including the workers themselves. The workers would increasingly mature, has kesadaan and understand the path later taken to fight for their rights.

This year workers also will carry the main issues in the labor movement, ie, the Mayday Social Security and low starting wages abbreviated (Jamsostum) in this regard, Council of Indonesian Workers Labor requires several things including; revision of Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2013 concerning health insurance, the revised PP No. 101 of 2012 on Contribution Recipient, outsourcing Reject state, starting with the low-wage revision of the original 84 components KHL KHL only 60 components.

May Day

Nama                    : Nugroho Tri Atmojo
Kelas                    : 4EA16
NPM                     : 15209990
Tulisan Bebas (1) : May day  
Dosen                   : R OEGIH SUGESTI
Matkul                 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

History of Labor Day

May Day was born from a series of working-class struggle to gain control of the political economy of industrial rights. Development of capitalist industry in the early 19th century marks a drastic change in political economy, especially in capitalist countries in Western Europe and the United States . Tightening discipline and intensification of working hours, minimum wages, and poor working conditions at the factory level, gave birth to the resistance of the working class.

The first strikes the working class in the United States occurred in 1806 by workers Cordwainers. The strike took the organizers to court and also raised the fact that the working class in the era work of 19 to 20 hours a day. Since then, the struggle to claim the reduced hours of work on the agenda with the working class in the United States.

No two people are thought to have contributed ideas to honor the workers, Peter McGuire and Matthew Maguire , a machine worker from Paterson , New Jersey . In 1872 , McGuire and 100,000 workers went on strike to demand subtraction of working hours. McGuire then went on to talk to the workers and the unemployed, lobbied city government to provide jobs and overtime pay. McGuire became known as "disturber of the peace community".

In 1881 , McGuire moved to  and proceeded to organize the carpenter . Finally founded a union consisting of a carpenter in Chicago , with McGuire as the Secretary General of the "United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America". Ideas for organizing workers according to their trades spread around the country. McGuire and laborers in other cities planned a holiday for workers in every Monday at the First month of September between Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day.

On January 5 September 1882 , the first Labor Day parade was held in the city of New York with 20,000 participants carrying banners that read 8 hours work, 8 hours of rest, 8 hours recreation. Maguire and McGuire play a key role in organizing the parade. In subsequent years, the idea spread and all states celebrated.

At 1887 , Oregon became the first state to make it a public holiday. At 1894 . Presider Grover Cleveland signed a law that made ​​the first week of September an official public holiday nationwide.
First International Congress held in September 1866 in Geneva , Switzerland , attended by various elements of workers' organizations around the world. Congress establishes a claim to reduce working hours to eight hours a day, the previous (still in the same year) has performed the National Labor Union in the U.S.: As these limits represent the general demands of the U.S. working class, the changing demands of the congress is to be common ground working class all over the world.

One may set as the struggle of the working class in the world in 1886 by the Congress of the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions for, besides providing moments of demands eight hours a day, give a new spirit of working class struggle that reached a massive in that era. May 1, chosen because in 1884 the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions , which was inspired by the success of labor action in Canada in 1872  , requires eight hours of work in the United States and enforced from 1 May 1886.

Day laborers in Indonesia
Indonesia in 1920 also began commemorating Labor Day on May 1 this.

Ibarruri Aidit (DN Aidit eldest daughter) as a child with her mother had attended the International Labor Day commemoration in the Soviet Union, after the adults attend anyway International Labour Day May 1, 1970 in the PRC Tian An Men Square to mark the event he attended also by Mao Zedong, the Prince with his wife Queen Monique Sihanouk, Cambodia's Prime Minister Pennut, Lin Biao (the second Chinese Communist Party) and the Communist Party of Burma's leader Thaksin B Tan Tein. 
But since the reign of the New Order Labor Day is no longer celebrated in Indonesia, and since then, May 1 is no longer a public holiday to commemorate the role of labor in society and the economy. This is because the labor movement is connected with the movement and understandcommunists that since the incidence of the G-30 in 1965 taboo in Indonesia.

During Suharto's rule, the action for May Day activities categorized assubversive , because May Day is always connoted with the ideology of communism . This connotation is clearly not fit, because the majority of countries in the world (which is most of the non-Communist ideologies, even embracing the principles of anti-communist), set May 1 as Labor Day and make it a national holiday.
After the end of the New Order era, although not a holiday, every comeback May 1 is celebrated by workers in Indonesia, with demonstrations in various cities.

Fears that a mass movement that mobilized workers annually on May 1 led to riots, was never proven. Since May Day commemoration in 1999 until 2006 there was never any destructive actions carried out by the mass movement of workers in the category "endanger public order". Actions that occur even repressive security forces against the workers, because they are still based on the old paradigm that considers May Day commemoration is subversive and masterminded the communist movement.

sumber :

Senin, 08 April 2013

Modals,Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun

Nama              : Nugroho Tri Atmojo
Kelas               : 4EA16
NPM               : 15209990
Tugas              : Modals, Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun  
Dosen              : R OEGIH SUGESTI
Matkul            : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

Modals adalah suatu kata bantu dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan ekspresi perasaan orang terhadap suatu hal. Modals juga bisa menggambarkan suatu Advisable(saran), Permissible(perizinan), Possible(kemungkinan), Necessary(keharusan), dan lain-lain.Semua auxiliary verbs “kecuali be, do dan have” disebut modals. Tidak seperti auxiliary verbs lainnya, modals juga berfungsi sebagai kata kerja Bantu dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Perhatikan  contoh-contoh Modals di bawah ini dan kalimat yang diberikan.

    • Can
              (+) You can speak japanese
               (-) You can’t speak japanese
               (?) Can he speak japanese ?
    • May
             (+) China may become a major economic power
              (-) China may not become a major economic power
              (?) May china become a major economic power ?
    • Must
              (+) They must disrupt the work more than necessary
               (-) They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary
               (?) Must they disrupt the work than necessary ?
    • Might
              (+) Mrs. Megawati might join the next president election
               (-) Mrs. Megawati mightn’t join the next president election
               (?) Might Mrs. Megawati join the next president election ? 
    • Should
             (+) We should sort out this problem at once
              (-) We should not sort out this problem at once
              (?) Should we sort out this problem at once ?
    • Could
              (+) We could try to fix it ourselves
               (-) I think we could not have another Gulf War
               (?) Could you say it again more slowly ?
    • Ought to
              (+) They ought to employ a professional writer
              (-) They don’t ought to employ a professional writer
              (?) Do they ought to employ a professional writter ?
    • Had Better
              (+) You had better take care of that cut on your hand soon
               (-) You hadn’t better take care of that cut on your hand soon
               (?) Had you better take care of that cut on your hand soon ?
    • Would
              (+) She would drinking orange juice in restaurant
              (-) She wouldn't drinking orange juice in restaurant
              (?) Would she drinking orange juice in restaurant ?
    • Have to
              (+) I have to go home now.
               (-) I haven’t to go home now
               (?) Have you to go home now ?
    • Have got to
              (+) I have got to go Bali right now
               (-) I haven’t got to go Bali right now
               (?) Have you got to go Bali right now ?
    • Prefer
              (+) Andy prefers doing his hobby to watching TV everyday
              (-) Andy prefers not doing his hobby to watching TV everyday
              (?) Does andy prefer doing his hobby to watching TV everyday ?
    • Like Better
              (+) He likes basketball better than football.
              (-) He doesn’t like basketball better than football
              (?) Does he like basketball better than football ?
    • Would Rather
         (+).Students would rather study English than mathematics
          (-) Students wouldn’t rather study English than mathematics
          (?) would students rather study English or mathematics?

Countable Noun
Adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang menunjukan kuantitas atau  jumlah. Contohnya kata benda “pen” dapat dihitung “one, two,” atau “three pens”. Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung : cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, house, book, etc.
Contoh Kalimatnya :

1)      We could see a ship in the distance.
2)      I have two animal,dog and cat.
3)      I’ve got a few dollars.
4)      They have many books in the class.
5)      Fewer bird came this year.
6)      You have two tables and  three chairs.
7)      We are building two house.
8)      She will buy two glass and three bottle in market.
9)      I’ve got a problem with the car.
10)  I’ve got some coin.

Uncountable Nouns 
disebut juga mass nouns.,adalah kebalikan dari “countable nouns”, yaitu kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Contoh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung : sand, air, rice, sugar, cheese, tea, coffee, advice, assistance, fun, money, music, art, love, etc.
Contoh Kalimatnya :

1)      You  have some water.
2)      We sit on the grass.
3)      I love music
4)       I haven’t got  much  rice
5)      I’ve got a little money.
6)      Doctors recommend eating  less salt.
7)      I need a lot of margarine to cook
8)      This rice is free from herbicide
9)      There is only little water left in his thermos.
10)   mother has a great deal of time to listen her children’s problems.