Selasa, 30 April 2013

May Day

Nama                    : Nugroho Tri Atmojo
Kelas                    : 4EA16
NPM                     : 15209990
Tulisan Bebas (1) : May day  
Dosen                   : R OEGIH SUGESTI
Matkul                 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

History of Labor Day

May Day was born from a series of working-class struggle to gain control of the political economy of industrial rights. Development of capitalist industry in the early 19th century marks a drastic change in political economy, especially in capitalist countries in Western Europe and the United States . Tightening discipline and intensification of working hours, minimum wages, and poor working conditions at the factory level, gave birth to the resistance of the working class.

The first strikes the working class in the United States occurred in 1806 by workers Cordwainers. The strike took the organizers to court and also raised the fact that the working class in the era work of 19 to 20 hours a day. Since then, the struggle to claim the reduced hours of work on the agenda with the working class in the United States.

No two people are thought to have contributed ideas to honor the workers, Peter McGuire and Matthew Maguire , a machine worker from Paterson , New Jersey . In 1872 , McGuire and 100,000 workers went on strike to demand subtraction of working hours. McGuire then went on to talk to the workers and the unemployed, lobbied city government to provide jobs and overtime pay. McGuire became known as "disturber of the peace community".

In 1881 , McGuire moved to  and proceeded to organize the carpenter . Finally founded a union consisting of a carpenter in Chicago , with McGuire as the Secretary General of the "United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America". Ideas for organizing workers according to their trades spread around the country. McGuire and laborers in other cities planned a holiday for workers in every Monday at the First month of September between Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day.

On January 5 September 1882 , the first Labor Day parade was held in the city of New York with 20,000 participants carrying banners that read 8 hours work, 8 hours of rest, 8 hours recreation. Maguire and McGuire play a key role in organizing the parade. In subsequent years, the idea spread and all states celebrated.

At 1887 , Oregon became the first state to make it a public holiday. At 1894 . Presider Grover Cleveland signed a law that made ​​the first week of September an official public holiday nationwide.
First International Congress held in September 1866 in Geneva , Switzerland , attended by various elements of workers' organizations around the world. Congress establishes a claim to reduce working hours to eight hours a day, the previous (still in the same year) has performed the National Labor Union in the U.S.: As these limits represent the general demands of the U.S. working class, the changing demands of the congress is to be common ground working class all over the world.

One may set as the struggle of the working class in the world in 1886 by the Congress of the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions for, besides providing moments of demands eight hours a day, give a new spirit of working class struggle that reached a massive in that era. May 1, chosen because in 1884 the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions , which was inspired by the success of labor action in Canada in 1872  , requires eight hours of work in the United States and enforced from 1 May 1886.

Day laborers in Indonesia
Indonesia in 1920 also began commemorating Labor Day on May 1 this.

Ibarruri Aidit (DN Aidit eldest daughter) as a child with her mother had attended the International Labor Day commemoration in the Soviet Union, after the adults attend anyway International Labour Day May 1, 1970 in the PRC Tian An Men Square to mark the event he attended also by Mao Zedong, the Prince with his wife Queen Monique Sihanouk, Cambodia's Prime Minister Pennut, Lin Biao (the second Chinese Communist Party) and the Communist Party of Burma's leader Thaksin B Tan Tein. 
But since the reign of the New Order Labor Day is no longer celebrated in Indonesia, and since then, May 1 is no longer a public holiday to commemorate the role of labor in society and the economy. This is because the labor movement is connected with the movement and understandcommunists that since the incidence of the G-30 in 1965 taboo in Indonesia.

During Suharto's rule, the action for May Day activities categorized assubversive , because May Day is always connoted with the ideology of communism . This connotation is clearly not fit, because the majority of countries in the world (which is most of the non-Communist ideologies, even embracing the principles of anti-communist), set May 1 as Labor Day and make it a national holiday.
After the end of the New Order era, although not a holiday, every comeback May 1 is celebrated by workers in Indonesia, with demonstrations in various cities.

Fears that a mass movement that mobilized workers annually on May 1 led to riots, was never proven. Since May Day commemoration in 1999 until 2006 there was never any destructive actions carried out by the mass movement of workers in the category "endanger public order". Actions that occur even repressive security forces against the workers, because they are still based on the old paradigm that considers May Day commemoration is subversive and masterminded the communist movement.

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